Specials - R-634

R-634 Stand mit 6-Schartenturm

Pictures from a bunker on the Sola airport in Norway which was off limits since the war. Thanks to EE who managed to enter the bunker in April 2002 for the first time we can now also take a look inside!

It looks like it was abandoned yesterday:
the copula ...and the entrance Scharte nicht verhängen Überdruck-Ventil Entgiftungsnische

Vorrats - Verpflegung

Bei Gasgefahr Tűren und Scharten schiessen -Bereitschatsraum

Kein Licht bei offener Scharte

Kabel - Antenne

Belűftungsvorschritt beachten Frischluift/Abluft

Waffen ambt stamp on the MG mounting

Inside the MG copula

Thanks to Knut Torp at the Luftfartsverket for giving us permission to enter the airport